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Our Staff

< 1 2 3 4 5 7 > showing 43 - 63 of 136 constituents
Domingo Figueroa

Domingo Figueroa

Kindergarten Spanish Immersion
Elementary School
Stephanie Flannery

Stephanie Flannery

3 yr olds
Early Education Center - Mallard Creek Campus
Barbara Gazmey

Barbara Gazmey

2 yr olds
Early Education Center - Mallard Creek Campus
Meredith Gentili

Meredith Gentili

Middle School Administrative Assistant
Administration, Middle School
Jennifer Georges

Jennifer Georges

Teacher Assistant
Early Education Center - Mallard Creek Campus
Ginger Graham

Ginger Graham

Teacher Assistant
Early Education Center - Harris Campus
Kim Griffin

Kim Griffin

6th Grade Math
Middle School
Adam Hamilton

Adam Hamilton

Middle and High School Principal
Administration, Middle School, High School
Elizabeth Hamilton

Elizabeth Hamilton

High School English, Anatomy & Physiology, PE, Middle School Health/PE
Middle School, High School
Jacqueline Harding

Jacqueline Harding

Teacher Assistant
Elementary School
Kevin Helms

Kevin Helms

AP US History, History
High School
Lauren Henley

Lauren Henley

1st Grade
Elementary School
Savannah Hollifield

Savannah Hollifield

3 yr olds
Early Education Center - Harris Campus
Misty Hood

Misty Hood

1st Grade
Elementary School
Bree Horton

Bree Horton

Teacher Assistant
Elementary School
Valerie Hudgins-Evans

Valerie Hudgins-Evans

2 yr olds
Early Education Center - Harris Campus
Kendall Huneycutt

Kendall Huneycutt

7th Grade Bible
Middle School
Elena Izquierdo Bravo

Elena Izquierdo Bravo

Elementary School, Middle School
Kayla Jaynes

Kayla Jaynes

Program Director
Administration, Early Education Center - Mallard Creek Campus
Katherine Jennings

Katherine Jennings

Teacher Assistant
Early Education Center - Harris Campus
Beth Jeu De Vine

Beth Jeu De Vine

SCA Teacher Assistant
Elementary School, Student Center for Advancement
< 1 2 3 4 5 7 > showing 43 - 63 of 136 constituents